Calexico, CA

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CBP & ANAM Working Group - Binational Meeting

Information Bulletin

Dear clients,

We inform you that the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), Office of Field Operations, San Diego Field Office, Area Port Director are extending an invitation to attend a binational CBP & Agenda Nacional de Aduanas de Mexico (ANAM) working group meeting. This meeting is to discuss issues of relevance to the passenger and trade communities on both sides of the border. Representatives for CBP and ANAM will be in attendance.

This meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 15, 2025 at Calexico City Hall 608 Heber Ave. Calexico, CA. from 10:00 am through 12:00 pm.

Please submit suggested agenda items no later than Friday January 10, 2025 to:

Juan Terriquez
Cargo Branch Chief
Customs and Border Protection
Calexico Ports of Entry


Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.


Boletin Informativo

Estimados clientes,

Les informamos que U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), la Oficina de Operaciones de Campo, la Oficina de Campo de San Diego y Director de Zona Portuaria están extendiendo una invitación para atender a la junta binacional de trabajo de CBP y Agenda Nacional de Aduanas de México (ANAM). Esta junta es para discutir temas de relevancia para comunidades de pasajeros y comerciales en ambos lados de la frontera. Representanes de CBP y ANAM atenderán a esta junta.

La junta se llevará a cabo el miércoles 15 de enero de 2025 en Calexico City Hall 608 Heber Ave. Calexico, CA. de 10:00 am a 12:00 pm.

Favor de enviar temas sugeridos a más tardar el viernes 10 de enero de 2025 a:

Juan Terriquez
Cargo Branch Chief
Customs and Border Protection
Calexico Ports of Entry


Favor de comunicarse con nosotros si surge alguna duda.

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R.L. Jones has offices across all major U.S Southern ports on both sides of the border. Select a location to view more details