Calexico, CA

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Increases and Adjustments in CBP User Fees

Dear Friends and Customers,

This is to inform you about the upcoming CBP increases and adjustments that include various fees and /or the limitation on minimum or maximum fees, such is the case with MPF minimum and maximum fees increasing, starting January 1, 2018.

US Customs and Border Protection announced in the Federal Register that some fees will be increasing in 2.677% on the limitation rates of Customs fees. The percentage of the MPF rate will continue to be 0.3464%.
The new limitation amounts for MPF will be as follows:
-       Minimum MPF from $25.00 dlls to $25.67 dlls
-       Maximum MPF from $485.00 dlls to $497.99 dlls
-       Informal Entry from $2.00 dlls to $2.05 dlls
In addition, we are attaching a complete summary of the user fees and limitations as per 19 CFR 24.22 – Fiscal Year 2018 and sharing the Federal Register link on this official notice:

Feel free to contact us for any additional details.


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