Calexico, CA

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Hazmat Shipments & Summer Temperatures

Dear friends and customers,

We would like to remind you that our warehouse premises are not air conditioned and that if the temperature rises above the assigned maximum, Hazmat merchandise could be adversely affected.

Regional high temperatures during summer months can pose a problem for local business that should and could be prevented. Some volatile chemicals will have a low auto ignition temperature at which they will automatically ignite (flash point). For example the pressure within vessels and containers could increase and some containers could split open. Oxidizers, such as oxygen, sodium nitrate, nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide, must be kept away from intense heat or they can combust. Flammable chemicals should never be stored in a high temperature environment.

Details on the storage temperature for each chemical can be found in their SDS (Safety Data Sheet) in the Storage Section. You should also consult your chemical supplier for further advice.
We have found 4 different challenges categories while receiving temperature sensitive materials:

1) SDS. The material comes with a Safety Data Sheet indicating storage temperatures below our warehouse temperature. (Warehouse may be as high as 120 F during Heat Waves)
2) Merchandise.The truck container, and therefore the material, may arrive with a very high temperature caused during transportation (Detected upon arrival)
3) Flashpoint. As Indicated on SDS conflicts with enviromental or transportation temperatures (Points 1 and 2 above)
4) Other Documentation. SDS indicates a storage temperature that will allow us to store it but other documents from Suppliers indicate a different temperature limit.

If your chemical shipment is sensitive to high temperatures, we request your assistance on providing previous special instructions in order to avoid any delays or charges this could cause.

We may accept material according to your written instructions as long as they do not pose a threat to personnel and premises security.

Please be sure to contact us should you have any questions or concerns.

R.L. Jones Management

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