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RLJ BULLETIN - Aluminum Extrusions Preliminary ADD Determination for 14 Countries

The U.S. Department of Commerce preliminarily determined that antidumping duties (ADD) will be applied to imports of aluminum extrusions from China, Colombia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Italy, Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam.  The corresponding preliminary notices can be found at .  Please note that there were four previously reported Countervailing Duty (CVD) preliminary determinations published for China, Indonesia, Mexico, and Turkey.

Suspension of Liquidation: U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will suspend liquidation of entries of subject merchandise as described in the scope of the investigation entered, or withdrawn from warehouse, for consumption on or after May 7, 2024.  CBP will require a cash deposit rates depending on the country, manufacturer, and exporter. The following ad valorem rates apply.  Please refer to the website indicated above for specific rates by manufacture and exporter.

Country              Case Number                   Cash Deposit Rate          Cash Deposit All Others Rate

China                   A-570-158                         0.00 –                                 365.19

Colombia            A-301-806                         8.85 – 34.47%                  12.42

Ecuador               A-331-804                         17.23 – 51.20 %                             22.52                  

India                     A-533-920                         3.44 - 39.05                      3.44

Indonesia            A-560-840                         5.65- 112.21                     9.17

Italy                      A-475-846                         0.00 – 41.67                      15.30

Korea, S               A-580-918                         0.00 – 43.56                      2.42

Malaysia             A-557-826                         0.00 – 27.51                      26.70

Mexico                A-201-860                         9.18 – 82.03                      13.63

Taiwan                A-583-874                         0.73 – 67.86                      33.93

Thailand              A-549-847                         2.02 – 4.04                        3.03

Turkey                 A-489-850                         45.41- 594.55                   73.23

UAE                      A-520-810                         9.13 – 42.29                      9.15

Vietnam              A-552-837                         2.85                                    41.38


U.S. International Trade Commission Notification: If the final determination is affirmative, the ITC will determine before the later of 120 days after the date of the preliminary determination or 45 days after the final determination whether imports of aluminum extrusions from these countries are materially injuring, or threaten material injury to, the U.S. industry. If affirmative, the case will go to order and remain in force.

Scope: The merchandise subject to this investigation are aluminum extrusions, regardless of form, finishing, or fabrication, whether assembled with other parts or unassembled, whether coated, painted, anodized, or thermally improved. Aluminum extrusions are shapes and forms, produced by an extrusion process, made from aluminum alloys having metallic elements corresponding to the alloy series designations published by the Aluminum Association commencing with the numbers 1, 3, and 6 (or proprietary equivalents or other certifying body equivalents).

The country of origin of the aluminum extrusion is determined by where the metal is extruded (i.e., pressed through a die).  Aluminum extrusions that are drawn subsequent to extrusion (drawn aluminum) are also included in the scope.

Merchandise that is comprised solely of aluminum extrusions or aluminum extrusions and

fasteners, whether assembled at the time of importation or unassembled, is covered by the scope in its

entirety. The scope also includes aluminum extrusions contained in merchandise that is a part or subassembly of a larger whole, whether or not the merchandise also contains a component other than aluminum extrusions that is beyond a fastener.


The scope excludes aluminum extrusions contained in fully and permanently assembled merchandise, or unassembled, if it is not a part or subassembly of a larger whole. To be excluded under this paragraph, the assembled or unassembled merchandise must also contain a component other than aluminum extrusions, beyond fasteners.


For further information regarding the scope, please see the attached Appendix I, and the website indicated above.  Commerce will make its final determination no later than 135 days after the date of publication of the preliminary determination.

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