Industry-Wide News
US-MEXICO-CANADA AGREEMENT (USMCA) Updated Interim Implementation Instructions |
06-17-2020 |
Information Bulletin |
Dear Friends and Customers, Please review updated USMCA Interim Implementation instructions published yesterday according to CSMS #43062320. This version replaces the Interim Implementing Instructions issued on April 20, 2020. These Updated Interim Implementing Instructions are informational and provide early guidance on the new requirements under the USMCA, including information on claiming USMCA preferential treatment for goods. Please note, these instructions are not yet final. The Final Implementing Instructions will be released prior to the date the USMCA enters into force and will provide the Trade and Field with additional details on the USMCA entry, compliance, and other requirements. The supporting USMCA regulations, the new Part 182 of Title 19, Code of Federal Regulations 182 (19 CFR 182) is to include the USMCA Uniform Regulations and will be issued July 1, 2020. Additionally, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States will be amended effective, July 1, 2020 to include General Note 11 (GN11) with information on the USMCA rules of origin, product specific rules, and other requirements. Until the USMCA enters into force, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) requirements remains in effect.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or comments. |
Dear friends and customers,
As an importer, you will be required to have an origin certification at the time a USMCA claim is made. Please make sure you coordinate with exporter and producer to decide who will prepare and submit the origin certification and make sure we receive it prior to day of importation.
Dear Friends and Customers,
Last week, the Office of the United States Trade Representative (USTR) announced that the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) would enter into force on July 1st 2020.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) issued interim implementing instructions on April 20 via administrative message CSMS #42429822 US-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Interim Implementation Instructions, intended to provide early guidance on new requirements under the USMCA. These instructions are for advance informational and advisory purposes only. They are not final and are subject to further revision.
Contents on the interim implementing instructions are subject to change pending the issuance of GN 11 on Harmonized Tariff Schedule establishing Rules of Origin and 19 CFR 182 regulations. The final instructions will be released prior to the date the USMCA enters into force which will be July 1st 2020, and will provide additional details on entry, compliance, and other requirements.
Until the USMCA enters into force, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) requirements remains in effect.
Interim rules include: Origination, Rules of Origin, Regional Value Content, De Minimis (Non-Textiles), Merchandise Processing Fees (MPF) exemption, Country of Origin Marking Rules, Sets, Transit and Transshipment, Preference Claims, Post-Importation Claims, Certification or Other Document Requirements, Correction of False/Unsupported USMCA Claims, Recordkeeping Requirements, Verification by CBP, Issuing a Determination, Impact of a Negative Determination on a Blanket Certification, Pattern of Conduct, Protest Rights, Supporting Documents, Eligible Articles, Steel and Aluminum Certification.
For automotive: Rules of Origin for Automotive Goods, Automotive Rules of Origin and Procedures, Calculation of LVC requirement Parts and Components for Passenger Vehicles and Light Trucks, Certification for Certain Vehicles, Passenger Vehicles, Light Trucks, and Heavy Trucks, Labor Value Content, Labor Value Content Certification.
For textiles: Eligibility for Textiles and Apparel, Textile and Textile Apparel Rules of Origin, USMCA Eligibility for Textiles and Apparel, Short Supply.
Below please find additional related links:
- United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Final Text:
- United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Bill HR 5430:
- U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) -
- U. S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) -
- U.S. International Trade Commission-Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States:
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
Dear Friends and Customers,
For the full list of 10 exemptions please review the attached Administrative message CSMS #42439611
Dear Friends & Customers, (passengers/pedestrian) between US and Mexico will not be allowed. However, all cross border trade (cargo) will not be affected. All essential travel (passenger/pedestrian), and commercial trade will be allowed. Please see attached Federal Notice and RL Jones Bulletin. |