Industry-Wide News

Industry-Wide News

Dear Friend and Customer,
Hoping you, your family, and colleagues are all doing well,

Importers and brokers are notified that imports of most aluminum products will require an aluminum import license for each entry beginning January 25, 2021.
See the list of aluminum products subject to the new licensing requirement at:  
The new licensing system will be available at and will open for pre-registration on January 4, 2021. Importers, brokers, and other license applicants will need to register for an account in order to create one license.

Please review the full rule concerning the aluminum license at:  

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments or questions.

Compliance Department

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Industry-Wide News

Dear Friend and Customer,
Hoping you, your family, and colleagues are all doing well,

The purpose of this message is to provide guidance on the Department of Commerce's December 14, 2020 provisional final rule issuing new Section 232 exclusions.
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) has granted 108 General Approved Exclusions (GAE) for steel products and 15 for aluminum products. Any importer can use General Approved Exclusions (GAE) and they have no quantitative limit. The exclusions are effective as of December 29, 2020 and no retroactive relief will be granted. Please review the list of excluded HTS in the attached chart.
When an importer declares excluded 10-digit HTS classification on an entry summary line, ACE will not require Section 232 tariffs for that line as long as the HTS is on the attached listing.
Information provided from CSMS# 45271041.
You can review the full Exclusion Process on this link.
Federal Register :: Section 232 Steel and Aluminum Tariff Exclusions Process

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments or questions.

Compliance Department

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Industry-Wide News

The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is an agency of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) responsible for protecting animal health, animal welfare, and plant health. In cooperation with DHS/CBP they ensure that commodities traded internationally are free of animal and plant pests and diseases.
APHIS requires that importers file specific information with DHS CBP. Currently much of that information is provided via paper in the form of Licenses, Permits, Certificates and other
Documents (LPCO’s).
As an exporter of goods to the United States, All LPCO’s used to move your regulated products must be sent a copy to R.L. Jones along with your invoice and with the carrier.
For example:

  • Phytosanitary Certificates
  • Import/Transit Permits
  • Irradiation treatments
  • And all other documents required by USDA

In order to avoid any delay with your paperwork, please send to R.L. Jones your LPCO’s to keep on file.
Feel free to contact us for any questions or comments.

Compliance Department

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Industry-Wide News

Dear Friend and Costumer,
Hoping you, your family, and colleagues are all doing well,

On August 6, 2020, the President issued a Presidential Proclamation on Adjusting Imports of Aluminum Into the United States, announcing that certain aluminum articles imported under Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) subheading 7601.10 that are the products of Canada will be subject to the additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty.

The increased rates of duty on certain aluminum articles that are the products of Canada are effective with respect to goods entered, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on August 16, 2020.

The functionality for the acceptance of the 232 additional duties on aluminum articles that are the products of Canada will be available in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) as of 7 am eastern standard time, August 16, 2020.

Do not hesitate to contact us if you have any comments or questions.

Compliance Department

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Industry-Wide News

Dear Friends and Customers,

Please be sure to review and update to the most updated USMCA Final Implementing Instructions which replace the USMCA Interim Implementing Instructions issued on June 16, 2020. These instructions provide guidance on the new requirements under the USMCA, including information on USMCA entry, compliance, rules-of-origin, origin certifications, new auto requirements, textile requirements, and other requirements for claiming USMCA preferential treatment for goods.

The supporting USMCA regulations, the new Part 182 of Title 19, Code of Federal Regulations (19 CFR 182) that includes the USMCA Uniform Regulations,  have been issued today July 1, 2020.  Additionally, the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States will be amended effective, July 1, 2020 to include General Note 11 (GN11) with information on the USMCA rules of origin, product specific rules, and other requirements.

Effective July 1, 2020, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) terminates and the USMCA enters into force.

The USMCA Implementing Instructions – June 30, 2020  CBP Publication Number 1118-0620.
There will be a Phase I Implementation, the first six months upon entry into force (July 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020), in which CBP understands that the trade may need time to adjust business practices to comply with the new requirements under the USMCA, particularly relating to the preferential tariff treatment of goods.
During the first six months after entry into force, CBP will focus on supporting the trade’s efforts to fully comply with USMCA requirements, including providing webinars and other outreach efforts to educate the trade on the new Agreement.

Importers are required to exercise reasonable care when making a claim under USMCA, including ensuring that they are in possession of a complete and valid certification of origin at the time of making a claim and meeting all recordkeeping obligations.

In order to provide the trade sufficient time to adjust to the new requirements and in consideration of the business process changes necessary to achieve full compliance, CBP may in appropriate cases, 4 show restraint in enforcement during the six-month period after USMCA’s entry-into-force. CBP will take into account the difficulties importers may face in complying with the new rules, as long as importers are making satisfactory progress toward compliance and are making a good faith effort to comply with the rules to the extent of their ability.

Implementation of the Agreement Between the United States of America, the United Mexican States, and Canada (USMCA) Uniform Regulations Regarding Rules of Origin.
This interim final rule is effective on July 1, 2020; comments must be received by August 31, 2020
Please contact us for any questions, our team well be ready to assist you.

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Industry-Wide News

Dear Friends and Customers

As previously reported, the implementation of the new USMCA will take effect on July 1, 2020.
We kindly request that you send us prior to July 1, 2020 the USMCA certifications for your products that qualify according to the new rules of origin. It is of high importance to receive these certifications in order to apply the preferential treatment.
In order to make a proper transition regarding your import operations, we require the following:

  • Change the legend on your invoices, "Qualifies for NAFTA" to "Qualifies for USMCA"
  • Review with your system provider the update of the Special Program Indicator (SPI) for your EDI documents, please replace “N” with “S”. If you do not have the change ready with your EDI provider by July 1, 2020, please contact us.
  • Send us USMCA certifications. As a reminder, NAFTA certificates will not be valid from July 1, 2020.

We are here to support you. Any questions please feel free to contact us at


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